The Character Cards are formulated into character groups based on seven colours (see graphic that follows). Each card has a broken line beneath the image, indicating whether it is mostly a moral quality or a performance quality.
Moral card = small break to the left Performance card = small break to the right.

Activity 1: Personal use
Select a card. Read the card and reflect on its meaning for you at this time. You may want to pose a question before you receive your card. Look for that quality throughout the day. Practice it. You may wish to journal about it and keep a record of the character qualities that appear for you each day.
Activity 2: Interpersonal use
Do a card pick with another person. Either pick a card to share or each pick your own
card. One person starts by sharing something that is on their mind, then reads the card out loud and shares again, now reflecting on what they have just read. The other person just listens and, at the end of the person’s sharing, gives an acknowledgement of a quality they see in the other person and how they see it. Then it is the other person’s turn.
Activity 3: Problem-solving
Define the problem. Ask yourself, partner or group, “What qualities are needed to solve
this problem?”. Choose words from the list card. Read those cards out loud and then discuss from the perspective of qualities needed and practices that would be helpful.
Activity 4: Begin a meeting
Invite someone to select a card at random and read it aloud. Use the card to help focus
the meeting. At the close of the meeting, ask how it was helpful. Start your day, or week, by selecting a card for your team. Acknowledge each other when you see the character quality in action.
Activity 5: Character strength profiling
With a group of up to 10 people* you can identify the character strengths of each person. Spread the entire deck of cards on a flat surface. Ask each person to select a card that that they feel represents one of their own character strengths. Do this one person at a time. Once everyone has chosen their own card, each person should select a card for the person to their left and then a card for the person to their right – the card representing their colleagues’ strength. Repeat until each person has a total of seven cards (including their own card selections and the cards received from colleagues). Count the number of cards you have in each colour group and refer to the ‘Character Groups by Card Colours’ graphic that follows, to discover your character strengths. Discuss as a group. Remember, whenever we receive a Character Card, it is either a confirmation or an invitation. It is never a criticism.
*Groups of 10 people per deck. For groups of more than 10 people, use multiple decks of cards.